analysis and justification of my creative choices in my mock-up NEA + improvements
ANALYSIS AND JUSTIFICATION OF MY CREATIVE CHOICES In the Mock-Up NEA task we were assigned during the week, I chose to create a newspaper cover in the style of ‘The Guardian’. I looked through all my research I had already accumulated of ‘The Guardian’ and looked at many Guardian covers online via Paperboy’s website – this then allowed me form initial ideas of what I wanted to create. I began with the masthead, identical to ‘The Guardian’s’ widely recognised font style, and block blue background with the date and price for readers to view. I included an article about Royals Prince Harry and Meghan Markle alongside an image of the pair, to entice readers by catching the eyes of royal fans. I also included entertainment news about Ricky Gervais’ ‘iconic’ Golden Globes speech – regarding current political issues so it was relevant to the main article. A theory which had major influence on the events I chose to include were Galtung and Ruge’s News Values, reflected ...